Therefore, a few commercial games are playable on,, and (as of now, and can only play homebrew games), but some are extremely laggy (virtually unplayable) and some games don't start at all. However, some commercial games, (even big titles such as ) are fully playable, with no issues at all at 60 FPS. The list of 3DS games are below. Please note that although the games are ON this page, they might not have been fully tested yet.
Certain games will obviously perform better and more games will become playable as more and more updates come through, so the list is constantly updating and changing. Keep checking back if your game does not work, is slow, or is not tested. Ratings • - 5 stars: Plays perfectly, no slowdowns, possible minor audio or graphical glitches but nothing noticeable.
• - 4 stars: Playable, with minor audio glitches, graphical glitches, or both. • - 3 stars: In-game, may play fine but with some bad graphical issues or audio problems, or both. It might also crash frequently.
• - 2 stars: Menu/intro, can see the intro to the game and possibly the title screen, but no further. Game will crash while loading or at title screen. • - 1 star: Unplayable: Games that don't boot at all or boot to a black screen. • - Untested: Untested - not tested yet, may or may not be playable.