Microsoft Word 2007 Keyboard Shortcuts. Display and use windows. ALT+TAB Switch to the next window. ALT+Shift+TAB Switch to the previous window. CTRL+W or CTRL+F4 Close the active window. ALT+F5 Restore the size of the active window after you maximize it. Top 10 Cheat Sheets to Help You Master Microsoft Office. But did find this reference PDF that’s chock full of keyboard shortcuts for Office on. Microsoft Word has over 200 keyboard shortcuts.
Ctrl+V Paste - Inserts the contents of the clipboard at the insertion point (cursor) or whatever is selected. Ctrl+S Saves the active document with its current file name, location and format.
Ctrl+A Selects all text and graphics in the active window. Ctrl+P Prints the active file, also gives the opportunity to change print options Ctrl+F Find - Searches for specified text in the active document Alt+F4 Exit - Closes Microsoft Word. Ctrl+B Bold - Formats selected text; make text bold, or remove bold formatting Ctrl+Z Undo the last action. This selection can be repeated several times. Ctrl+I Italic - Formats selected text; make text italic or remove italic Ctrl+Y Redo - After an action has been undone, it can be reinstated in the document.
Ctrl+U Underline - Formats selected text; make text underlined or remove underline Less commonly used keyboard combinations. To the beginning of a document This list is by no means complete. To find other keyboard combinations check the Word help index. Assignment Leave your browser window open. Open Microsoft Word, if it is not already open. Open a new Word document and type a line of text. If you wish to do so you could copy this line and paste it into the document.
Do not reach for your mouse 3. Move your cursor back into the middle of the line you just typed 4. Highlight more than one word (Hint: Extend to left or right to highlight more than the cursor width.) 5. Cut the highlighted text from the document 6.
Open a new Word document 7. Paste the text you cut from the first document into the new document 8. Save the document Each of the steps in the list above should have been accomplished without the use of your mouse.